Hand drawn artwork to digital workflow Part 1
By michael
Created a quick helper app to help get my digital art into a playing card computer game.
Using the Flame gaming engine for Flutter and a little helper app I’ve been able to get a couple of my playing card images into a Klondike solitare computer game.
Still a work in progress, but hoping to use this as a platform to improve the workflow to move hand drawn images into digital and then out to a software game.
The current workflow is really janky, but wanted to put a stake in the ground here to show improvement as I move forward with the concept.
Workflow outline
- Using Sketchbook Pro on Android tablet, Share the asset and choose helper Flutter application. This creates a png file in the files directory of the helper app on the Android device.
- Copy the png file to local computer, since I connected the tablet to the computer via a USB cable, I’m able to use Android Studio IDE to move the file…yes, I know, very janky!
- Open png in Mac OS Preview and select just the portion of the image to copy.
- Open the sprite png file of the Klondike game and replace the existing asset with mine.
The Klondike card game is written using the Flame tutorial at the following address. I plan on changing the code to utilize a json file to make customization and future image assets easier to manage.