Journal: 01/05/2025-01/11/2025
Journal: 12/29/2024-01/04/2025
Alphacore Introduction
[WIP] Displaying artwork on Raspberry PI + Eink
Placeholder for documentation of connecting 4.2 Waveshare Eink display to Raspberry PI. After connection is made, loading and display my personal artwork.
Flutter/Android Build Management
[WIP] Dart Websockets Introduction
I’ve been researching using websockets in Dart lately as a way to remotely initiate actions on the connected clients without having them poll every X seconds (not great to be chatty with the serversession85!).
New Journal Initiative: June 16-22 2024
As a way of creating more content and building the muscles and habits to do so, I’m going to try and journal daily in these journal posts.
Hand drawn artwork to digital workflow Part 1
Created a quick helper app to help get my digital art into a playing card computer game.
Using the Flame gaming engine for Flutter and a little helper app I’ve been able to get a couple of my playing card images into a Klondike solitare computer game.